Thursday, January 1, 2009

The newest little Fitzsimmons - Chica

We added a new little girl to our family! Isn't she the cutest thing!! She is so itty bitty, teeny tiny. We named her Chica.
Well, actually her name is... Chica Pepper Frankie Belle Lilly
You see we each had a name and it was really hard to get everyone to agree on the same one. But, we finally came to the conclusion that Chica would work. For anyone that has never taken Spanish, does not have any Hispanic friends, has never been to a Mexican restaurant, or maybe just doesn't know....
Chica means little girl.
She is only 8 weeks old and of course we are working on potty training. ( ugh )
Boy, do I have a story for you!!
The first day we brought her home, I see she is getting ready to poo poo on our floor. I race over to pick her up and run her outside. I'm just a little too late, the process was already in motion. Here I am with her in one hand and IT is starting to come out of you know where.
Hmmmm.... what is the natural instinct when something is getting ready to fall and hit the floor???
Yep!!! I stuck out my other hand and caught it!! YUCK! So, now I have a puppy in one hand, poop in the other, and I'm kicking the door open with my foot to go outside. Once outside, I throw the dog and set down the poop. :) OOPS... I mean I set down the dog and throw the poop.
The joys of puppies, right?


Nrallens said...

Aww, Kim, she's stinkin' cute!! Great shot of her! Love to hear you tell a story and the "poo" story created quite a visual.

And, I'm wondering if her "potty" story is any better than YOUR potty story! LOL!

Thanks for the invitation to view your blog. I have saved it in my favorites and will pop in from time to time!

Take care! Happy New Year to you!

Unknown said...

You didn't tell me that "poo" story. I only knew about the one that happened to YOU! LOL... I also haven't heard YOUR potty story sister!

Kim Fitzsimmons said...

hmmmmm.... I think I have TOO many stories that surround this topic!!! LOL